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Managing a coach

A 2-day workshop about coaching from manager point of view. How does it work and what is the impact on the professional development of your people?

2 days


1.175€ (vat excl.)

What is it?

This 3-day workshop will help you understand what coaching is, what the different coaching styles are and how you can be a coach from manager point of view.

Key topics​

  • Coaching or mentoring, what is it?

  • Define your stakeholders

  • The people in the organisation

  • Listen and reflect to people's needs

  • Constructive feedback on the what and the how

  • The coaching cycle

  • What do you need for coaching

  • Objectives

  • Task oriented coaching

  • Management styles and their impact

  • Practical exercices


Coaching is a very powerful tool to get the best out of people. It is about helping people see their strengths, work in an efficient and effective way and about making clear what skills they need to develop in order to reach their goals.


Coaching can help people to get a better view of their performance in all aspects. The input of a coaching manager will make people aware of their behaviour and performance which will result in better and more efficient results.


After this workshop you will:

  • be aware of the model of coaching and mentoring and the reason why they are so important

  • know and apply tools, techniques and best practices of effective coaches

  • better grasp the development of your colleagues and team members

Target audience

Every professional who regularly faces situations where he has to deal with colleagues with different viewpoints, opinions and expectations.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

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